When it comes to environmental themes, I have to talk about the most important theme right now, which for me is Monsanto and how is being pushed into our country.
First of all I have to say that transgenic food, plants and seed are very suspicious to me, and it doesn't seem like a "solution" of progress or sustainability, we all know what it's about, it's about making more money with less resources, and what really bothers me is that they are not only being pushed to us and we are forced and obligated to consume them by publicity, but laws are being created, strings are being pulled and people get paid to really force us to consume it, and in this case, is actually really serious, with Monsanto.
Monsanto has been known as a try-out of transgenic seeds, and where ever it has been pushed inside it has caused a lot problems to citizens (health problems) and of course a lot of money to producers, politicians and business man that include themselves in the process.
I find it so low that they let something like that get inside our country, letting us become guinea pigs of this horrible mutant seeds, that maybe in 20 to 30 years more they will be actually perfect and non-decease producing, but right now it has been banned from many countries such as Mexico, Canada and Peru, because of it's low quality standards, shown in long-term deceases.
I hope people in this country would wake up and end this circus; because how can it be that it will become illegal to plant your own seeds and to have a choice of non-transgenic seeds. It just seems so silly to me.
I hope this gets clear, spoken and fixed... but... to bad that politics and health are about money and not about people (in this country, as in many parts of the world)... then it would be so much obvious that the important things are the human citizens’ health, security and freedom, but instead is a few politicians and business men making more money than they need (even more than what their grandchildren need).
I do not know much but being exported Chile a country that it lowered its level of warm in eportaciones or perhaps want those products remain in Chile for we and the good is exported nothing more ... I do not understand