domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

Session 3

For me traveling is the most exiting thing in the world, I haven’t had the luck to visit a great number of countries

Choosing only one country is a very difficult thing to do because all countries are amazing, and all have a differences and unique beautiful places and landscapes. For example I would like to visit Indonesia, France, and Ecuador.

But there is only one country I really want to go every time, and that is Spain, I like it so much because my mom is from Spain and my family from my mom’s side is in Madrid, and I miss them so much, my two aunts and my uncle, seven cousins, and my lovely grandmother, she is very important for me because she is my only living grandparent, and she is so sweet and tender.

The last time I saw her, was in 2005, I really miss her a lot, and I’m very worried for her because she is old and I fear for her health. I hope to see her soon, maybe next year or as soon as I can, my boyfriend is also saving money to go with me because he wants to travel to Europe too and he would love to meet the rest of my family too.

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